Closet Challenge- Day 4


Day Four- and my inability to take a full-length shot is starting to show! haha! Well, if you can put up with the awkwardness, I’ll keep going!

Today’s going to be a scorcher, and it’s also Tattoo Day (with the lovely Lana Hicks of Lady Unlucky Tattoo!)- so it calls for something comfy and light on top, that won’t constrict me, but will also be easy to remove (tanktop) without having to totally strip down (i can leave my bra and bottom on).

items: homemade skort with pockets (yep! i sewed this myself! I almost always put pockets in things.. why NOT? and i love how this looks like a skirt but isn’t!) and a black cotton tanktop.

comfort level: high! I’m all about comfort. I think comfort, confidence, and co-ordinating pieces were the guiding factors behind my Capsule Wardrobe item choices.

style level: summer casual

hair style: newly bleached out ends (with Super Toning! please read that post for more info!), and shadow roots- styled with a little AG Dry Spray Wax (I love this stuff! It claims to be matte, but it DOES actually give a glowy little shine, and some great piece-y structure.)

So far, i don’t think i’ve repeated any items!

Be awesome (and stay hydrated!)




and then there were 15! woops! Tattoo Day has resulted in a possibly-tragic ink spillage which might knock the green skort out of rotation!! so… I’ll have to see how it scrubs up. In the meantime, a cotton casual shirt has slipped into the mix as a temporary shoulder coverup while running errands. (Why yes, i DID just get this tattoo worked on. Yes, i know it’s red back there. Yes, it’s supposed to happen after voluntarily having a needle skillfully dragged around for 3 hours. NO YOU CAN’T TOUCH IT!!!!) I’d like to avoid that- but i dont want to get coconut oil stains on my blue blouse, the cardigans are too heavy, the green plaid has insulation stuck to it, and my tank top from this morning is scratchy. (waaah, me!) So in the meantime…  🙂


2 thoughts on “Closet Challenge- Day 4

    • scissorkitty says:

      lol! I’m so glaf you’re enjoying it! AG is really an awesome company (that i get NOOOOO kickbacks or anything from- i just really enjoy their products!) *unless they WANT to start sending me $ or freebies, lol# which would be awesome! haha!


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